Trainings & Events
Training opportunities for educators, probation officers, childcare providers, student resource officers, and youth professionals.
Lesson of the Month
Each month, we highlight an elementary and secondary lesson from the Be Somebody: Cowboy Ethics curriculum.
Experiential Learning
The Be Somebody: Cowboy Ethics program utilizes experiential learning to teach youth how we can all live best in a community by showing honor and respect, and living authentically.
Cowboy Ethics: Code of the West
James P. Owen
1) Live Each Day With Courage
2) Take Pride In Your Work
3) Always Finish What You Start
4) Do What Has To Be Done
5) Be Tough, But Fair
6) When You Make A Promise, Keep It
7) Ride For The Brand
8) Talk Less And Say More
9) Remember That Some Things Aren’t For Sale
10) Know Where To Draw The Line
If teachers want to change young lives, they need to focus on inspiring kids to look within and reach for the best in themselves. Ann Moore, Educational Consultant to the Center for Cowboy Ethics and Leadership
Angela Lee Duckworth took a job teaching math to seventh graders and realized that IQ wasn't the only thing separating the successful students from those who struggled. She explains her theory of "grit" as a predictor of success.
Intelligence, skills, and connections do matter, but, the most critical ingredients in success have more to do with qualities of character, like grit, guts, and heart. James Owen, Author, Film Producer, and Social Innovator.
James P. Owen
Wyoming Youth Initiative Mission Statement
By establishing an atmosphere of trust and acceptance, we desire to inspire self-discovery in individuals of all ages and backgrounds, helping them build a framework of values and character.